Search found 11 matches

by Dinox
Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:37 pm
Forum: Causal mechanism and related physics
Topic: Constant Earth Mass
Replies: 1
Views: 26827

Re: Constant Earth Mass

Yes, I would agree that a Constant Mass Earth doesn’t fit the facts. We can estimate the surface gravity on the ancient Earth from its affects on ancient life and this indicates that the mass of the Earth must have been increasing over geological time, thereby increasing gravity as the Earth increas...
by Dinox
Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:28 pm
Forum: Causal mechanism and related physics
Topic: Accretion
Replies: 9
Views: 20171

Re: Accretion

Here’s an excellent video that I've just come across that illustrates the journey of the Sun and planets around the galaxy. As I've explained previously this journey would mean the Earth would regularly enter various dust clouds and this might be part of the mechanism for the mass increase of the Ea...
by Dinox
Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:38 pm
Forum: Supporting arguments
Topic: Statistical regression analysis of ocean removal as evidence
Replies: 8
Views: 19838

Re: Statistical regression analysis of ocean removal as evidence

Florian » Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:13 am wrote:
lanzalaco » Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:32 am wrote:
James Maxlow is working on a numerical model. Stephen Hurrell also worked on it and is in the process of updating the dataset used in his model.

jbl007 has been exploring a way to make 3D mesh of Earth and remove seafloor by age.
Who is jbl007?
by Dinox
Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:03 pm
Forum: Other planets and moons
Topic: Neal Adams - Moon
Replies: 3
Views: 9649

Re: Neal Adams - Moon

Interesting paper… Prof. Pascual Jordan suggested in his book, Expanding Earth, that the numerous rilles and valleys on our Moon indicate expansion. Here’s a short video illustrating some of his ideas. kpA4QXXSnBI Details about Prof. Jordan’s book are available in this Amazon list of Expanding Earth...
by Dinox
Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:59 pm
Forum: Causal mechanism and related physics
Topic: Accretion
Replies: 9
Views: 20171

Re: Accretion

You wouldn't think the worlds smallest living organisms would support and grow the mass of the planets largest ever in existence creatures but they do. Much in the same way, upon checking the life cycle of stars, it seems when they are young, they are surrounded by a massive field of reflective dus...
by Dinox
Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:56 pm
Forum: Causal mechanism and related physics
Topic: Solar Wind
Replies: 3
Views: 8086

Re: Solar Wind

"Solar Wind" I could not find any studies or data that discuss how much of this solar wind / radiation penetrates the earth. It must be difficult to measure the amount of material involved. How would you even attempt to estimate it? I just know it's enough to create the spectacular Northe...
by Dinox
Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:54 pm
Forum: Other planets and moons
Topic: Neal Adams - Moon
Replies: 3
Views: 9649

Re: Neal Adams - Moon

Ref: Ref: Another great video by Neal Adams... keeps it simple basic observations. The comparisons to a simple geode I find pretty uncanny. It seems even NASA may think the Moon is expanding. 4B77r5yJbRE Edit ...
by Dinox
Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:51 pm
Forum: Causal mechanism and related physics
Topic: Accretion
Replies: 9
Views: 20171

Re: Accretion

In practice the concept that the Earth has been regularly bombarded over geological time by cosmic material from outer space is well developed. It’s been argued by various people that the Sun and planets travel around the galactic centre roughly every 200 million years (a galactic year). As it move...
by Dinox
Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:45 pm
Forum: Causal mechanism and related physics
Topic: Accretion
Replies: 9
Views: 20171

Re: Accretion

Meteoric and asteroid accretion. This is currently a popular theory, proposed also to explain some of the various extinction events that have plagued the Earth. It basically says expansion is caused by an accumulation of extraterrestrial debris over time. This theme was rejected by Carey as the pri...
by Dinox
Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:06 am
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: AKA brain man
Replies: 7
Views: 15544

Re: AKA brain man

Good to see this here... guess you could say i am responsible for starting the ratskep thread, and then ended up getting too interested in a field thats not even relevant to me, then going off at the deep end...trying to do a crash course in geology then barred for going on a one man mission on hac...
by Dinox
Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:07 pm
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: Dinox introduction
Replies: 1
Views: 4988

Dinox introduction

Hello, I’m so pleased to see a dedicated forum to discuss the Expanding Earth and its implications. I originally came to the Expanding Earth theory in 1987 by an unusual route. While on holiday in Portugal, I was considering why the dinosaurs were shifted towards a larger relative scale, when I real...