I’m so pleased to see a dedicated forum to discuss the Expanding Earth and its implications.
I originally came to the Expanding Earth theory in 1987 by an unusual route. While on holiday in Portugal, I was considering why the dinosaurs were shifted towards a larger relative scale, when I realized that a reduced gravity would shift the scale of life towards a larger size in exactly the manner we see. It is possible to estimate gravity from ancient life using this theory, but my calculations indicated that ancient gravity was about half its present value – a truly astonishing prediction. At the time I considered this to be improbable because I’d never hear of any suggestions that gravity was less. One possibility I considered on holiday was that the Earth was smaller with a lower gravity, but once again I’d never heard any suggestions that the ancient Earth might be smaller.
When I returned home from holiday I was astounded to find that there was a theory that the ancient Earth was smaller. The evidence for this Expanding Earth theory was based on geology so it used a totally different line of reasoning to reach the same conclusion I had reached. This was very strong reason to believe it was true.
There are two different possibilities why the Earth may have expanded, either (1) the Earth has been a constant mass while density has changed to allow the Earth to expand or (2) the mass of the Earth has increased forcing the Earth to expand. Only this second concept predicted a reduced gravity on the ancient Earth and it is the reason I believe in an Increasing Mass Expanding Earth.
At the time many people believed a constant mass would explain the Expanding Earth so I quickly realized that it was important to highlight the reduced gravity theory to the expansionist community. I’ve done this mainly through my book, web site and hundreds of contacts via email and bulletin boards etc. I’m pleased to say that many people quickly understood the significance of the evidence for a reduced gravity in the past. In particular Professor Carey undated his last book, Earth Universe Cosmos, for a second edition in 2000 to include a new section on dinosaurs’ gravity (see page 131). Dr James Maxlow also quickly wrote to me explaining that my thoughts about gravity had persuaded him that expansion must be caused by increasing mass rather than any constant mass reason. Most recently in 2011, I was pleased to attend ‘The Earth Expansion Evidence’ 37th Interdisciplinary Workshop of the International School of Geophysics in Erice were I meet and conferred with many other expansionists. It was an absorbing week.
A dedicated forum to continue these discussions in an informal atmosphere is certainly now required. My only slight doubt is that our discussions almost invariably attract the attention of Internet Trolls whose only purpose in life seems to be to derail and disrupt any intelligent discussion in most internet forums. Thus I believe this forum unfortunately needs to be highly monitored and regulated without stopping legitimate discussions to be successful. But providing it can tread this delicate path I’m sure there will be many intellectually stimulating discussions that will attract many members. I wish it every success.
Stephen Hurrell
Dinox introduction
Dinox introduction
The present is the key to the past.
Re: Dinox introduction
Thank you Dinox and welcome to the forum,
At this time, the traffic is low and moderation is manageable. The different categories should help to control the discussions.
Anyway, I don't expect that it will ever become a high traffic forum.
At this time, the traffic is low and moderation is manageable. The different categories should help to control the discussions.
Anyway, I don't expect that it will ever become a high traffic forum.
If 50 million believe in a fallacy, it is still a fallacy. Sam W Carey